Satellite Hydrology and Hydrodynamics

[* Students advised]

89. Das, P., S. Suresh, F. Hossain, V. Balakrishnan, Jainet P J, H. Lee, M. Laverde, K. Hosen, C. Meechaiya, P. Towashiraporn. (2024)  Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations within a Satellite Based Framework for Mountainous and High Precipitation Regions: The case of the 2018 Kerala floods, ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (In revision)

88. Das*, P., F. Hossain, S. Minocha, S. Suresh, G. Darkwah, K. Andreadis, H. Lee, M. Laverde, P. Oddo (2024) ResORR: A Globally Scalable and Satellite Data-driven Algorithm for River Flow Regulation due to Reservoir Operations, Environmental Modeling and Software, vol. 176,,  Download paper.

87. Darkwah*, G, F. Hossain, V. Tchervenski, G. Holtgrieve, C. Seaton, D. Graves, H. Lee, P. Das, S. Suresh, S. Minocha, S, Khan, P. Oddo (2024) Reconstruction of the Hydro-Thermal Behavior of Regulated River Networks of the Columbia River Basin Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Data-driven Techniques, Earth’s Future (In press).

86. Khan*, S, F. Hossain, T. Pavelsky, A. Gomez, S. Ghafoor, M. Lane, Parkins, G., S. Minocha, Md. A. Bhuyan, T. A. Al Fayyaz, M. N. Haque, P. K. Sarker, P. P. Borua (2024), A Network Design Approach for Citizen Science-Satellite Monitoring of Surface Water Volume Changes in Bangladesh, Environmental Modeling and Software. vol. 172,

85. Suresh*, S. F. Hossain, S. Minocha*, P. Das*, S. Khan*, H. Lee, K. Andreadis and Perry Oddo (2024). Satellite-based Tracking of Reservoir Operations for Flood Management during the 2018 Extreme Weather Event in Kerala, India, Remote Sensing of the Environment, vol. 307,

84.Nguyen, N.T. T.L.T. Du, H. Lee, et al. (2023) Estimating the impacts of ungauged reservoirs using publicly available streamflow simulations and satellite remote sensing, Remote Sensing, 15(18), 4563;

83. Minocha*, S., Pei-Hsin Wang, S. Khan* and F. Hossain (2024). Factors influencing Lake Surface Temperature for reservoirs of the Columbia River Basin, Northwest Science (In press).

82. Das*, P., F. Hossain, S. Khan*, N. K. Biswas, H. Lee, T. Piman, C. Meechaiya, U. Ghimire, K. Hosen (2022) Reservoir Assessment Tool 2.0: Stakeholder driven Improvements to Satellite Remote Sensing based Reservoir Monitoring, Environmental Modeling and Software, vol. 157., Download paper.

81. Khan*, S. F. Hossain, et al. (2023) Understanding Volume Estimation Uncertainty of Lakes and Wetlands Using Satellites and Citizen Science, IEEE J STARS, 10.1109/JSTARS.2023.3250354 Download paper

80. Vu, D. T. Thanh Duc Dang, S. Galelli, and F. Hossain (2021).Satellite observations reveal thirteen years of reservoir filling strategies, operating rules, and hydrological alterations in the Upper Mekong River Basin,Hydrology and Earth System Science,

79. Bose*, I., S. Jayasinghe, C. Meechaiya, S. K. Ahmad*, N.K. Biswas* and F. Hossain (2021) Developing a baseline characterization of river bathymetry and time-varying height for Chindwin River in Myanmar using SRTM and Landsat data,ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, vol. 26(11), Download paper. (Selected for EDITOR’S CHOICE section)

78. Little, Sarina B. Tamlin M. Pavelsky, F. Hossain, Sheikh Ghafoor, Grant M. Parkins, Sarah K. Yelton, Megan Rodgers, Xiao Yang, Jean-Francois Cretaux, Catherine Hein, Mohammad Arman Ullah, Debolina Halder Lina, Hanne Thiede, Darren Kelly, Donald Wilson, Simon N. Topp (2021), Monitoring variations in lake water storage with satellite imagery and citizen science, Water, 13(7), 949;

77. Elmer, N.E, C. Hain, F. Hossain, D. Desroches, C. Pottier (2020) Generating Proxy SWOT Water Surface Elevations Using WRF-Hydro and the CNES SWOT Hydrology Simulator, Water Resources Research

76. Beveridge*, C, F. Hossain, R.K. Biswas, A. Haque, S. Ahmad*, N. Biswas, A. Bhuyan and A. Hossain (2020) Stakeholder-driven development of a cloud-based, satellite remote sensing tool to monitor suspended sediment concentrations in major Bangladesh rivers, Environmental Modeling and Software, Vol. 133,

75. Ahmad*, S, F. Hossain, T. Pavelsky, G. Parkins, S. Yelton, M. Rodgers, S. Basile, S. Ghafoor, D. Haldar, R. Khan, N. Shawn, A. Haque and R. Biswas (2020). Understanding Volumetric Water Storage in Monsoonal Wetlands of Northeastern Bangladesh, Water Resources Research, 56, e2020WR027989. Download paper.

74. Biswas*, N., F. Hossain, M. Bonnema*, H. Lee, F. Chishtie (2021). Towards a Global Reservoir Assessment Tool for Predicting Hydrologic Impacts and Operating Patterns of Existing and Planned Reservoirs, Environmental Modeling and Software, Vol. 140,, Download paper.

73. Chi-Hung Chang, H. Lee, D. Kim, E Hwang, F. Hossain, F. Chishtie, S. Jayasinghe, S. Basnayake (2020) Hindcast and forecast of daily inundation extents using satellite SAR and altimetry data with rotated empirical orthogonal function analysis: Case study in Tonle Sap Lake Floodplain, Remote Sensing of Environment,

72. Beveridge*, C., M. Bonnema* and F. Hossain (2020) Estimating impacts of dam development and landscape changes on suspended sediment concentrations in the Mekong River Basin’s ‘3S’ tributaries, ASCE Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 25(7), doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001949, Download paper

71. Bonnema*, M., F. Hossain, B. Nijssen and G. Holt (2020) Hydropower’s Hidden Transformation of Rivers in the Mekong, Environmental Research Letters, Download paper.

70. Biswas*, N.K., F. Hossain, M. Bonnema*, A. Haque, R. Biswas, A. Bhuyan, A. Hossain. (2020). A computationally efficient flashflood early warning system for a mountainous and transboundary river basin in Bangladesh,  Journal of Hydroinformatics Download paper

69. Kim, D, Hyongki Lee, Hahn Chul Jung, Euiho Hwang, Faisal Hossain, Matthew Bonnema, Do-Hyuk Kang and Augusto Getirana (2020) Monitoring River Basin Development and Variation in Water Resources in Transboundary Imjin River in North and South Korea Using Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing, 2(1), 195,

68. Kim, D. H. Lee, A. Aierken, H. Yu, L. Wang, F. Hossain, S. Jayasinghe, S. Basnayake (2020). Empirical Mode Decomposition Filtering Approach for Estimating Terrestrial Water Storage Changes from GRACE Level-2 Data, Journal of Geodesy (In review)

67.Eldardiry*, H. and F. Hossain (2019) Understanding the reservoir operating rules in the transboundary Nile River Basin using macroscale hydrologic modeling with satellite measurements, Journal of Hydrometeorology, (, vol. 21(11). Download paper.

66.Eldardiry*, H., X. Chen*, A. Mahmood*, F. Hossain, D.P. Lettenmaier, B. Nijssen (2018). Characterization of Atmospheric River Induced Precipitation and Snowpack over the Western United States, Journal of Hydrometeorology, vol. 20, no. 4, (doi:10.1175/JHM-D-18-0228.1).

65. Ahmad*, S. F. Hossain, Hisham Eldardiry*, T. Pavelsky (2020) A Fusion Approach for Water Area Classification using Visible, Near Infrared and Synthetic Aperture Radar for South Asian Conditions, IEEE Geosciences Remote Sensing (10.1109/TGRS.2019.2950705), vol. 58(4), pp. 2471-2480, Download paper.

64. Daly*, K, F. Hossain, S. Ahmad*, M. Bonnema*, Claire Beveridge*, Faisal Hossain, Bart Nijssen, Gordon Holtgrieve (2020) Recent Warming of the Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia: Implications for one of the World’s Most Productive Inland Fisheries, Lakes and Reservoirs, DOI: 10.1111/lre.12317Download paper.

63. Peters-Lidard, C, F. Hossain, L.R. Leung, N. McDowell, M. Rodell, F. Tapiador, F. J. Turk and A. Wood (2019). 100 Years of Progress in Hydrology, AMS MONOGRAPH (Centennial Celebration series), Vol. 59, chapter 25 ( Download paper

62. Bonnema*, M. and F. Hossain (2019) Assessing the Potential of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography Mission for Reservoir Monitoring in the Mekong River Basin, Water Resources Research, Vol. 55(1), pp. 444-461 (doi:10.1029/2018WR023743).

61.Chi-Hung Chang, Hyongki Lee, Faisal Hossain, Senaka Basnayake, Susantha Jayasinghe, Farrukh Chishtie, David Saah, Hanwen Yu, Khem Sothea, Duong Du Bui. (2019). A Model-Aided Satellite-Altimetry-Based Flood Forecasting System for Mekong River, Environmental Modeling and Software, vol. 112, pp 112-127

60.Hiep, N.H., N.D. Luong, T.T. Viet Nga, B.T. Hieu, U. T. T. Ha, B. D. Duong, V.D. Long, F. Hossain, H. Lee. (2018). Hydrological model using ground- and satellite-based data for river flow simulation towards supporting water resource management in, the Red River Basin, Vietnam, J. Environmental Management, vol. 217, pp. 346-355 (

59.Biswas*, N., F. Hossain, M. Bonnema*, H. Lee and M.A. Okeowo (2019) An Altimeter Height Extraction Technique for Dynamically Changing Rivers of South and South-East Asia, Remote Sensing of the Environment, vol. 221, pp. 24-37 (

58.Allen, G. H, C. H. David, K. M. Andreadis, F. Hossain, J. S. Famiglietti (2018) Global estimates of river flow wave travel times and implications for low-latency satellite data, Geophys Res. Letters,?

57. Eythorsson*, D., S.K. Ahmad*, S.M. Gardarsson, and F. Hossain. (2019) Arctic Climate and Snow Cover Trends Comparing Global Circulation Models with Remote Sensing Observations, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, vol. 18, pp 71-81,

56. Bonnema*, M. and F. Hossain. (2017). Inferring reservoir operating patterns across the Mekong Basin using only space observations, Water Resources Research, vol. 53, pp. 3791-3810, ( Download paper

55. Bhuyian, M.N.M, A. Kalyanapu, and F. Hossain. (2017). Evaluation of Impacts of DEM Errors in Flood Impact Assessment and Effectiveness of a DEM Correction Technique: A Cumberland River Case Study. Geosciences, vol.7, pp. 132; doi:10.3390/geosciences7040132.

54. Okeowo, M.A., H. Lee, F. Hossain and A Getirana. (2017). Toward Automated Generation of Reservoir Water Elevation Changes From Satellite Radar Altimetry IEEE JSTARS, vol.10(8), pp. 3465-3481 (doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2017.2684081).Download paper.

53. Durand, M. A, C. J. Gleason, P. A. Garambois, D. Bjerklie, L. C. Smith, H. Roux, E. Rodriguez, P. Bates, T. Pavelsky, J. Monnier, X. Chen, G. Di Baldassare, Jean-Michel Fiset, Nicolas Flipo, R. P. M. Frasson, J. Fulton, N. Goutal, F. Hossain, E. Humphries, J. T. Minear, M. Mulkowe, Jeffrey Neal, S. Ricci, B. Sanders, G. Schumann, and J. Shubert, (2016).  Pepsi challenge intercomparison of remote sensing river discharge estimation algorithms from measurements of river height, width, and slope Water Resour Res., vol. 52, (doi:10.1002/2015WR018434).

52. Iqbal*, N., F. Hossain and M.G. Akhter. (2017). Integrated Groundwater Resource Management Using Satellite Gravimetry And Physical Modeling Tools Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189(128)(DOI 10.1007/s10661-017-5846-1), Download paper

51. Iqbal*, N., F. Hossain, H. Lee, and M.G. Akhtar. (2016). Satellite Gravimetric Estimation Of Groundwater Storage Variations Over Indus Basin In Pakistan IEEE JSTARS, vol. 9(8),? pp. 3524 – 3534 (doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2574378), Download paper.

50. Bonnema*, M., S. Sikder, Y. Miao, X. Chen and F. Hossain, I.A. Pervin, S.M. M. Rahman and H. Lee. (2016). Understanding Satellite-based Monthly-to-Seasonal Reservoir Outflow Estimation as a function of Hydrologic controls Water Resources Res. , (doi: 10.1002/2015WR017830), Download paper.

49. Bonnema*, M., S. Sikder, F. Hossain, D. Bjerklie, M. Durand and C. Gleason (2016). Benchmarking Wide Swath Altimetry Based River Discharge Estimation Algorithms for the Ganges River System, Water Resources Res. , (doi:10.1002/2015WR017296),Download paper.

48. Maswood*, M., F. Hossain (2016). Advancing River Modeling in Ungauged River Basins using Remote Sensing: The Case of Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basins. Journal of River Basin Management,vol. 14(1), pp. 103-117, (doi:10.1080/15715124.2015.1089250). Download paper.

47. Paiva, R., M. Durand, F. Hossain (2015). Spatio-temporal interpolation of discharge across a river network in the context of the SWOT mission. Water Resources Research, 51, pp. 430-449 (doi:10.1002/2014WR015618).

46. Siddique-E-Akbor, A.H.M., F. Hossain, C K Shum, F.J. Turk, Steven Tseng, and Yuchan Yi (2014). Satellite Precipitation Data Driven Hydrologic Modeling For Water Resources Management In the Ganges, Brahmaputra And Meghna Basins. Earth Interactions, (doi:10.1175/EI-D-14-0017.1), Download paper.

45. Sikder, S. and F. Hossain (2015). Understanding and Minimizing the Geophysical Sources of Uncertainty of Satellite Interferometric-based Discharge Estimation, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, 8(2), pp. 523-538, (doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2326893), Download paper.

44. Hossain, F. A.H.M. Siddique-E-Akbor*, S. Biancamaria, H Lee, and C.K. Shum. (2013). Proof of Concept of Altimeter-based Forecasting System for Transboundary Flooding, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, 7(2), pp. 587-601 (doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2013.2283402), Download paper.

43. Hossain M. Maswood, A.H.M. Siddique-E-Akbor, W. Yigzaw, L.C. Mazumder, T. Ahmed, M. Hossain, S. Shah-Newaz, A. Limaye, H. Lee, S. Pradhan, B. Shrestha, B. Bajracharya, C K Shum, F. J. Turk. (2014). A Promising Radar Altimetry Satellite System for Operational Flood Forecasting in Flood-prone Bangladesh IEEE Magazine on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, (doi:0.1109/MGRS.2014.2345414). Download paper.

42. Gebregiorgis*, A.S. and F. Hossain (2014). Making Satellite Precipitation Data Work for the Developing World, IEEE Magazine on Transactions in Geosciences and Remote Sensing, June 2014 Issue, pp., 24-36 (doi: 10.1109/MGRS.2014.2317561) Download paper

41. Gebregiorgis*, A.S. and F. Hossain (2014). How Well Can We Estimate Error Variance of Satellite Precipitation Data Across the World? Atmospheric Research, vol. 154, pp. 39-59. Download paper

40. Gebregiorgis*, A.S. and F. Hossain. (2013). Estimation of Satellite Rainfall Error Variance using Readily Available Geophysical Features IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens, (doi:10.1109/TGRS.2013.2238636), Download paper.

39. Hossain, F. (2012). Do Satellite Data Portals Today Reach Out To Diverse End Users around the World? Bulletin of American Meteorological Society Nowcast Article, (reviewed only at the editorial level)(doi: 10.1175/BAMS D-12-00035.1), Download paper.

38. Gebregiorgis*, A.S. and F. Hossain(2013). Performance evaluation of merged satellite rainfall products based on spatial and seasonal signatures of hydrologic predictability, Atmospheric Research,(doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.05.003) Download paper.

37. Gebregiorgis*, A.S. C. Peters-Lidard, Y. Tian and F. Hossain. (2012). Tracing Hydrologic Model Simulation Error as a Function of Satellite Rainfall Estimation Bias Components and Land Use and Land Cover Conditions, Water Resources Research, vol. 48, W11509, (doi:10.1029/2011WR011643)Download paper

36. Gebregiorgis*, A.S. and F. Hossain. (2012). Understanding the Dependency of Satellite Rainfall Uncertainty on Topography and Climate for Hydrologic Model Simulation, IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote sensing, (doi:10.1109/TGRS.2012.2196282), Download paper.

35. Gebregiorgis*, A.S., and F. Hossain. (2011). How much can a priori hydrologic model predictability help in optimal merging of satellite precipitation products?, Journal of Hydrometeorology, (doi:10.1175/JHM-D-10-05023.1), Download paper.

34. Siddique-E-Akbor*, A.H.M., F. Hossain, H. Lee and C.K. Shum. (2011). Inter-comparison Study of Water Level Estimates Derived from Hydrodynamic-Hydrologic Model and Satellite Altimetry for a Complex Deltaic Environment, Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 115, pp. 1522-1531 (doi:10.1016/j.rse.2011.02.011), Download paper.

33. Biancamaria, S., F. Hossain, D. Lettenmaier (2011). Forecasting Transboundary Flood with Satellites, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 38, L11401, (doi:10.1029/2011GL047290), Download paper.

32. Tang*, L., F. Hossain.(2011). Understanding the dynamics of transfer of satellite rainfall error metrics from gauged to ungauged gridboxes using interpolation methods, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, (doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2011.2135840), Download paper.

31. Moffit*, C.B., F. Hossain, R.F. Adler, K. Yilmaz and Harold Pierce.(2010). Validation of NASA Flood Detection System over Bangladesh, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformatics , (doi:10.1016/j.jag.2010.11.003), Download paper.

30. Tang*, L., C.B. Moffit*, and F. Hossain, (2011). Forensic Analysis of two contrasting satellite rainfall products for detection of the July 2002 flooding in South-central Texas, Environmental Forensics, vol. 12, pp.19?225,(doi:10.1080/15275922.2011.595045).

29. Woldemichael*, A., A.M. Degu*,A.H.M. Siddique-E-Akbor*, and F. Hossain. (2010). Role of Land-water Classification and Manning?s Roughness parameter in Space-borne estimation of Discharge for Braided Rivers: A Case Study of the Brahmaputra River in Bangladesh, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, (doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2010.2050579), Download paper

28. Tang*, L., F. Hossain, and G.J. Huffman (2010). Transfer of Satellite Rainfall Error from Gauged to Ungauged Regions at Regional and Seasonal Timescales, Journal of Hydrometeorology ,(doi:10.1175/2010JHM1296.1), Download paper.

27. Tang*, L. and F. Hossain (2011). Investigating the climatologic similarity of satellite rainfall error as a function of Koppen climate classification, Atmospheric Research , (doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2011.10.006), Download paper.

26. Tang*, L. and F. Hossain (2009). Transfer of Satellite Rainfall Error from Gauged to Ungauged Locations: How realistic will it be for the Global Precipitation Mission? Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 36, doi:10.1029/2009GL037965 Download paper

25. Jung, H. C., J. Hamski, M. Durand, D. Alsdorf, F. Hossain, H. Lee, A. K. M. A. Hossain, K. Hasan, A. S. Khan, A.K.M.Z. Hoque (2009). Characterization of complex fluvial systems via remote sensing of spatial and temporal water level variations, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, SPECIAL ISSUE-Remote Sensing of Rivers, (doi: 10.1002/esp), Download paper.

24. Anagnostou, E.N., V. Maggioni, E. Nikolopoulos, T. Taye and F. Hossain. (2009). Benchmarking High-resolution Global Satellite Rain Products to Radar and Rain gauge Rainfall Estimates. IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, vol. 48(4), pp.1667-1683 (doi:10.1007/978-90-481-2915-7_13).

23. Nikolopoulos, E., E.N. Anagnostou, F. Hossain, M.G. Gebremichael and M. Borga (2010). Understanding the Space-time Scale Relationships of Uncertainty Propagation in a Distributed Hydrologic Model. Journal of Hydrometeorology,(doi:10.1175/2009JHM1169.1), Download paper

22. Rahman*, S., A.C. Bagtzoglou, F. Hossain, L. Tang, L. Yarbrough, G. Easson. (2008). Investigating the Effectiveness of Spatial Downscaling of Satellite Rainfall Data for Stream flow Prediction in a Medium-sized Basin, Journal of Hydrometeorology 10: 1063-1079, doi:10.1175/2009JHM1072.1 Download paper..

21. Harris*, A., F. Hossain (2008).Investigating Optimal Configuration of Conceptual Hydrologic Models for Satellite Rainfall-based Flood Prediction for a Small Watershed, IEEE Geosciences and Remote Sensing Lettersm vol. 5(3), July. Download paper

20. Harris*, A., S. Rahman, F. Hossain, L. Yarborough, A.C. Bagtzoglou and G. Easson (2007).Satellite-based Flood Modeling using TRMM-based rainfall products, Sensors (INVITED PAPER), vol. 7, pp.3416-3427.

19. Hossain, F. and G.J. Huffman. (2008).Investigating Error Metrics for Satellite Rainfall at Hydrologically Relevant Scales, Journal of Hydrometeorology, vol. 9(3), pp.563-575.Download paper

18. Hong. Y., B. Adler, F. Hossain and S. Curtis (2007).Global Runoff Simulation using Satellite Rainfall Estimation and SCS-CN Method, Water Resources Research, vol. 43(W08502) (doi:10.1029/2006WR005739).

17. Hossain, F., and E.N. Anagnostou. (2006). Assessment of a multi-dimensional satellite rainfall error model for ensemble generation of satellite rainfall data, IEEE Geosciences and Remote Sensing Letters, vol 3(3), pp. 419 423,(doi 10.1109/LGRS.2006.873686) Download paper.

16. Hossain, F., and E.N. Anagnostou (2005). Using a Multi-dimensional Satellite Rainfall Error Model to Characterize Uncertainty in Soil Moisture Fields Simulated by an Offline Land Surface Model Geophys. Res. Lett.vol 32(L15402) (doi:10.1029/2005GL023122).Download paper

15. Hossain,, F., E.N. Anagnostou, and A.C. Bagtzoglou (2006). On Latin Hypercube Sampling for Efficient Uncertainty Estimation of Satellite-derived runoff predictions. Computers and Geosciences, vol. 32(6), pp. 776-792(doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2005.10.006). Download paper

14. Hossain, F. (2006). Towards Formulation of a Space-borne System for Early-warning of Floods: Can Cost-effectiveness outweigh Prediction Uncertainty? Natural Hazards , vol. 37(3), pp.263-276 (doi 10.1007/s11069-005-4645-0). Download paper

13. Hossain , F., and E.N. Anagnostou (2005). Numerical Investigation of the Impact of Uncertainties in Satellite Rainfall and Land Surface Parameters on Simulation of Soil Moisture. Advances in Water Resources, vol. 28(12), pp. 1336-1350, (doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2005.03.013).Download paper

12. Hossain, F., E.N. Anagnostou and T. Dinku. (2004). Sensitivity Analyses of Satellite Rainfall Retrieval and Sampling Error on Flood Prediction Uncertainty, IEEE Trans Geoscience Remote Sensing, vol. 42, No. 1, January (doi 10.1109/TGRS.2003.818341). Download paper

11. Hossain,, F., E.N. Anagnostou, M. Borga, T. Dinku (2004) Hydrological Model Sensitivity to Parameter and Radar Rainfall Estimation Uncertainty. Hydrological Processes vol.18(17), pp. 3277-3299; (doi:10.1002/hyp.5659).Download paper

10.Hossain,, F., E. N. and Anagnostou (2004). Assessment of current passive microwave and infra-red based satellite rainfall remote sensing for flood prediction, J. Geophys. Res. vol 109(D7), April, D07102. (doi 10.1029/2003JD003986) Download paper .

9. Hossain, F., E.N. Anagnostou (2005). Assessment of a Probabilistic Scheme for Flood Prediction, J. Hydrologic Engineering ASCE, vol 10(2), March, 2005. Download paper

8. Hossain, F., E.N. Anagnostou and Khil-Ha Lee. (2004). A non-linear and Stochastic Response Surface Method for Bayesian Estimation of Uncertainty in Soil Moisture Simulation from a Land Surface Model. INVITED PAPERSpecial Issue In Non-Linear Processes in Geophysics 11: 1-15 (SREF-ID: 1607-7946/npg/2004-11-1).Download paper

7. Hossain, F., and E.N. Anagnostou (2004). Assessment of a stochastic parameter sampling scheme for efficient uncertainty analyses of hydrologic models, Computers and Geosciences , vol. 31(4), pp. 497-512, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2004.11.001). Download paper

6. Hossain, F. (2009). Introduction to the Featured Collection on ‘Satellites and Transboundary Water: Emerging Ideas’, Journal of American Water Resources Association, vol. 45(3), June, 2009, (doi: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2009.00333.x).Download paper

5. Balthrop*, C. and. F. Hossain,. (2009). A Review of State of the Art on Treaties in Relation to Management of Transboundary Flooding in International River Basins and the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission, Water Policy (doi:10.2166/wp.2009.117) Download paper.

4. Hossain, F., N. Katiyar*, A. Wolf, and Y. Hong. (2007). The Emerging role of Satellite Rainfall Data in Improving the Hydro-political Situation of Flood Monitoring in the Under-developed Regions of the World, Natural Hazards (Special Issue). (INVITED PAPER) vol. 43, pp. 199-210 (doi 10.1007/s11069-006-9094-x) Download paper

3. Hossain,, F., and D. Lettenmaier (2006). Flood prediction in the future: recognizing hydrologic issues in anticipation of the global precipitation measurement mission, Water Resources Research, vol. 42, W11301 (doi:10.1029/2006WR005202).

2. Hossain,, F., and N. Katiyar* (2006). Improving Flood Forecasting in International River Basins EOS (AGU) 87(5), 49-50. Download paper

1. N. Katiyar*. and F. Hossain, (2007). An Open-book Watershed Model for Prototyping Space-borne Flood Monitoring Systems in International River Basins. Environmental Modeling and Software. 22(12), pp. 1720-1731 (doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2006.12.005). Download paper

Edited Books and Book Chapters

5. Clark, E.A. S. Biancamaria, F. Hossain, J-F. Creteaux and D. P. Lettenmaier. (2016) – Altimetry applications to transboundary river management, Benveniste, J. (ed.), Altimetry Special Issue, European Space Agency.

4. Gebremichael, M. and F. Hossain. (2009) – Editors for a Springer Book on Satellite Rainfall Applications for Surface Hydrology, ISBN: 978-90-481-2914-0.Click here

3. Hossain F., L. Tang, E.N. Anagnostou, E. Nikolopoulos. (2009). A Practical Guide to a Space-Time Stochastic Error Model for Simulation of High Resolution Satellite Rainfall Data. Book Chapter on Satellite Applications of Hydrology (eds Gebremichael and Hossain), Springer Publications, (doi:10.1007/978-90-481-2915-7_9). Download paper.

2. Nikolopoulos E., E.N. Anagnostou and F. Hossain. (2009). Regional Evaluation through Hydrological Application: Europe. Book Chapter on Satellite Applications of Hydrology (eds Gebremichael and Hossain), Springer Publications,(doi:10.1007/978-90-481-2915-7_13).

1. Hossain, F. and N. Katiyar* (2007). Advancing the use of satellite rainfall datasets for flood prediction in ungauged watersheds: The role of scale, hydrologic process controls and the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission. INVITED Book Chapter on Hydrologic Data Fusion (Springer-Verlag) Editors – Xing Cai and J-C Yeh. Download chapter