Current Facilities and Equipment of SASWE Research Group are:
For desktop needs of SASWE Group members (procured from externally funded projects):
- 4 High Performance Dell Dual Processor systems for desktop applications with a combined RAM of more than 50 GB RAM.
- 6 HPC Notebooks with Intel Core Duo Processor and 20 GB RAM.
- High performance video recorder and navigation GPS for outreach events and movie-making projects.
- 2 Laserjet Printers (1 color, 1 black and white).
- 25.0 Terabytes of external storage devices for data.For heavy-duty computational and visualiation needs of SASWE Group members:
- 5 high Performance Linux server blades (~ 120 cores) with more than 750 GB RAM, 120 TB storage. These systems run numerous SASWE-developed operational systems for end users as well as help R&D effort for generating user-centric solutions. These systems also routinely process data for online streaming.
- 120.0 Terabytes of real-time protected storage space.
Additional University-wide Support leveraged by the SASWE Research Group
Additional computing support to the SASWE Research Group is available through the HYAK of UW. HYAK is a shared, high-performance computer cluster dedicated to research computing at UW. Developed in a partnership between the eScience Institute and UW-IT, it is intended to provide a convenient, flexible, and cost effective alternative for UW faculty, students, and staff who might otherwise have had to build and operate their own high-end computer systems. Access is also available to eight groups of parallel computing resources, with a total of 69 systems, 196 processors, 200 GB of memory, and 12000 GB of temporary disk space. All systems run Debian GNU/Linux 4.0. Systems in each group may work on independent problems simultaneously, or solve portions of a larger problem as part of a parallel solution. Each group of systems is assigned to an execution queue that orders computational jobs in a way that maximizes overall resource usage while minimizing the total time from a job’s submission to its solution.
International-level Support leveraged by the SASWE Research Group
SASWE Group established Memoranda of Understanding with the following institutions that have later morphed into well-oiled mechanism for win-win collaboration to maximize societal impact:
1) Nangyang Environment and Water Research Institute (NEWRI) – Singapore;
2) International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)- Nepal;
3) Pakistan Council for Research on Water Resources (PCRWR) – Pakistan;
4) National Water and Planning Institute (NAWAPI) – Vietnam;
5) Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) – Thailand;
6) Institute of Water Modeling (IWM) – Bangladesh;
7) Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) – Bangladesh;
8) The Ivanhoe Foundation – USA;
9) Ministry of Agriculture, People’s Republic of Bangladesh
With these MOUs, SASWE Group has been able to carry out a successful mission of impacting positively livelihoods in countries around the globe.