[* Students advised]
21. Mahmood*, A., and F. Hossain (2017) Feasibility of managed domestic rainwater harvesting in South Asian rural areas using remote sensing, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 25, pp. 157-168; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2017.06.013.Download paper.
20. Bagtzoglou, A.C. and F. Hossain(2009).Radial Basis Function Neural Network for Hydrologic Inversion: An Appraisal of Classical and Temporal Geostatistical Techniques in the Context of Site Characterization and Remediation Assessment, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 23(7):933-945 (doi:10.1007/s00477-008-0262-2).
19. Hill*, A.J., F. Hossain, A.C. Bagtzoglou (2009).Zonal Management of Arsenic Contaminated groundwater in Northwestern Bangladesh, J. Environmental Management INVITED PAPER, Special Issue on Sustainability of Industrial and Environmental Systems, 90(12): 3721-3729, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2008.05.027.
18. Chowdhury*, M., A. Alouani, and F. Hossain (2010). Comparison of Ordinary Kriging and Artificial Neural Networks for Spatial Mapping of Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Bangladesh, TECHNICAL NOTE, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, vol. 24(1), pp. 1. (doi:10.1007/s00477-008-0296-5).
17. Chowdhury*, M., A. Alouani, and F. Hossain (2009). How much does inclusion of Non-linearity affect the Spatial Mapping of Complex Patterns of Groundwater Contamination? News Brief, Non-Linear Processes in Geophysics 16: 313-317.Download paper.
16. Liu, Z., W. L. Kingery, D.H. Huddleston, F. Hossain, N.B. Hashim, and J.M. Kieffer. (2008). Assessment of water quality conditions in the St. Louis Bay watershed. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, A43(5).
15. Liu, Z., W. Kingery, D. Huddleston, and F. Hossain. (2007).Application and Evaluation of two nutrient algorithms of Hydrological Simulation Program Fortran in Wolf River watershed , Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A A43(7).
14. Liu, Z., J., Kieffer, W., Kingery, D., Huddleston, and F., Hossain. (2007).Watershed Modeling of DO and BOD using HSPF, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A A42(13): 2023-2032.
13. Rahman*, S., and F. Hossain . (2008). A Forensic Look at Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh, Environmental Forensics. 9(4): 364-374 (DOI: 10.1080/15275920801888400) Download paper
12. Nahar*, N., F. Hossain, and M.D. Hossain (2008). Health and Socio-economic Effects of Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in Rural Bangladesh: Evidence from Field Surveys, International Perspectives Journal of Environmental Health.70(9): 42-47. Download paper Download Field Survey Questionnaire
11. Rahman*, S. and F. Hossain. (2007). Spatial assessment of water quality of peripheral rivers of Dhaka City for optimal relocation of water intake point, Water Resources Management , 22(3): 377-391(doi: 10.1007/s11269-007-9167)Download paper .
10. Hill, A.J., F. Hossain and B. Sivakumar. (2008). Is Correlation Dimension a Reliable Proxy for the Number of Influencing Variables required to Model Risk of Arsenic Contamination in Groundwater? Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 22(1): 47-55(doi: 10.1007/s00477-006-0098-6).Download paper
9.Hossain, F., A.J. Hill, and A.C. Bagtzoglou (2007).Geostatistically-based management of Arsenic Contaminated Ground water in Shallow wells of Bangladesh. Water Resources Management. 21: 1245-1261(doi: 10.1007/s11269-006-9079-2)Download paper
8. Hossain,, F., and B. Sivakumar. (2006). Spatial Pattern of Arsenic Contamination in Shallow Tubewells of Bangladesh: Regional Geology and Non-linear Dynamics Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment , vol 20(1-2), pp. 66-76 (doi:10.1007/s00477-005-0012-7).Download paper
7. Hossain, F., A.C. Bagtzoglou, N. Nahar* and M.D. Hossain. (2006). Statistical Characterization of Arsenic Contamination in Shallow Tube wells of Western Bangladesh. Hydrological Processes. vol. 20(7), pp. 1497-1510 (doi:10.1002/hyp.5946).Download paper
6. Hossain, F., N. Agarwal, T. Dinku, and E. N. Anagnostou. (2004). (2002-2003). Assessment of Neural Network Schemes for Classification of Cloud Data. J.Env. Sys. 29(2): 151-173. Download paper
5. Hossain, F., W.J. Ng and S.L. Ong (2004). Activated Sludge Bulking: A Review of Causes and Control Strategies, J. Instn. Engrs (INDIA), vol. 85 (September). Download paper
4. Ng, W. J., S. L. Ong and F., Hossain. (2000). An Algorithmic Approach for System-specific modelling of Activated Sludge Bulking in an SBR. Environmental Modeling and Software (Elsevier Sciences), 15(2): 199-210.Download paper
3. Hossain, F., W. J. Ng and S L. Ong. (1999). A Possible Approach for Activated Sludge Foaming Control using Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF). J. Environ. Sys. 27(1): 71 – 83.Download paper
2. Hossain,, F., W. J. Ng and S. L. Ong. (1998). Activated Sludge Foaming Control. Water Environ. Asia, (A WEF publication), 1(3): 17 – 21.Download paper
1. Hossain,, F. (1997). Remedial Measures Proposed to Safeguard Ganga Water Quality. J. Instn. Engrs (INDIA), 70: 5–8.