Awards and Honors

22. NASA Early Adopter Award, 2024

21. UW Excellence Award in Global Engagement, 2023

20. Fellow, Environmental and Water Resources Institute, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2022

19. Fellow, American Meteorological Society, 2022

18. John R. Kiely Endowed Professorship, 2021-2025

17. 2021 Best Case Study Award for ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE EWRI, 2021

16. International Award  by American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2020

15. Outstanding Achievement Award [for Excellence in Task Committee Vision and Leadership], ASCE EWRI, 2018

14. Outstanding Reviewer, Environmental Research Letters – 2016

13. Walter L Huber Award, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2015.

12. American Meteorological Society Editor’s Award, American Meteorological Society, 2014.

11. Charles Falkenberg Award, American Geophysical Union, 2012.

10. Graduate Of the Last Decade (G.O.L.D) Award, University of Connecticut, 2012.

9. Caplenor Award (University’s Highest Award), Tennessee Technological University, 2012.

8. Fulbright Faculty Award, 2012-2013.

7. Outstanding Reviewer Award – Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2011.

6. National Education Excellence Award (to SASWE Research Group), National Association of Environmental Professionals, April, 2010.

5. Outstanding New Faculty Research Award, American Society of Engineering Education, Southeast Section, 2009.

4. ‘Top Performer’ ranking by NSF Alan T. Waterman Award Committee, (Among top 35% of all nation-wide nominees across all disciplines), 2009, 2010.

3. NASA New Investigator Award, 2008.

2. Outstanding PhD Thesis Award, School of Engineering, University of Connecticut, 2005.

1. NASA Earth System Science Fellowship, USA, 2002.


7. The Silent Route animated Film has garnered 47 awards or selections at Film festivals as of late 2024, a dozen awards. Gold Medal for Best Animation, Silver Medals in Best Message, Best Sound Design, Best Human Rights at the 11th Film Olympiad Grand Prix in Greece.

6. 23rd Monstra Animation Film Festival Selection for “The Silent Route”, Lisbon, Portugal, 2024.

5. Seattle Tech Doc Film Festival-2018 Selection for “Cotton Fields from the Ivory Tower,” 2018.

4. Tasveer South Asian Film Festival-2017 Selection for “Cotton Fields from the Ivory Tower,” 2017.

3. 11th Eco-Film Festival (Malaysia)- 2017 Selection for “Cotton Fields from the Ivory Tower,” 2017.

2. Best Film – Community for “Cotton Fields from the Ivory Tower” at UW Makers Summit, 2017.

1. 9th Eco-Film Festival Short Documentary Selection-2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2015.


83. [UW] Smarter Irrigation for a Greener Campus for University of Washington

82. [UW] Advancing surface water tracking in Bangladesh

81. [UW] The art of early engineering education.

80. [Newsweek] Texting NASA Data to Bangladeshi Rice Farmers Cuts Water Waste

79. [NASA] NASA Data Helps Bangladeshi Farmers Save Water, Money, Energy

78. [NASA] Quantifying Bangladesh’s Vast Water Resources

77. [AWRA IMPACT] Tracking Flood Volume Changes in the Developing World, Nov/Dec Issue, Vol 24(6), 2022.

76. [Circle of Blue] New Satellite Will See Water’s Big Picture

75. [NASA Earthdata] Satellites and Citizen Scientists Help Track Water in Bangladesh

74. [The Conversation] Satellites over the Amazon capture the choking of the ‘house of God’ by the Belo Monte Dam – they can help find solutions, too

73. [Washington Post] Dams alter river temperatures and endanger fish, yet 3,700 more will be built

72. [UW] Satellite System Success

71. [Arab News] The Battle for the Nile

70. [International Water Power and Dam Construction] The Hot and Cold of Current and Future Hydropower Dams

69. [NASA] – Fine-Tuning Irrigation in Asia

68. [NASA] – South Asian Farmers Fine Tune When to Water with Landsat

67. [UW News] – Secret Lives of Scientists, Engineers and Doctors.

66. [ArcGIS StoryMaps] – Satellite Data Empowers Farmers

65. [BBC] Digital Planet  on PANI Irrigation Advisory [fast forward to 21:10 minutes]

64. [NASA] SWOT Virtual Early Adopter Hackathon [organized by SASWE Research Group]

63. [NASA] Guiding Farmers with NASA Satellites

62. [NASA] Satellite Data Empowers Farmers in India

61. [NASA] Celebrating Earth Day with GPM

60. [BBC] Science in Action Podcast on Cooling Rivers

59. [USAID Agrilinks Blog] Improving Irrigation Services for Marginal Farmers in India

58. [AWRA IMPACT]  Towards Affordable and Sustainable Water-Smart Irrigation Services

57. [UW News]  Hydropower dams cool rivers in the Mekong River basin, satellites show
56. [International Waterpower and Dam Construction Magazine]  Generating more hydropower with less dams and better ecosystem outcomes: is it possible?

55. [UW Immersive Story] Fueled by Floods.

54. New fellowship supports global water research 
53. [AGI Earth Magazine] Faster Flood Forecasting to Improve Responses.
52. [NASA Earth Observatory] Smart Phone Brings Smart Irrigation

51. [Future of Farming]  Future of Farming

50. [Science News for Students]  Science on a Shoe-string

49. [AWRA IMPACT] Generating more Hydropower Using Weather Forecasts 
48. [NASA Feature]  Before the Flood Arrives’

47. [UW Today] UW project seeks sustainable blueprint for hydropower dams Click for UW Today feature on Mekong

46. [The ThirdPole] Satellites and SMS help Pakistan’s farmers with smart irrigation Click for ThirdPole feature

45. [Voice of America] Pakistani Farmers get Tips via Text Click for VoA feature

44. [SHOMOY TV] National TV coverage on Advanced Satellite-based flood forecasting Click for SHOMOY TV video clip

43. [AGU EOS] Growing More with Less using Satellites and Cellphones Click for EOS feature

42. [KING 5 TV] Satellite-Based Irrigation Advisory System Helps Pakistani Farmers Stay Above Water Click for KING 5 TV

41. [UW Today – Engineering] NASA Data used to Track Groundwater in Pakistan Click for feature

40. [Front page on JPL-Caltech] NASA Data used to Track Groundwater in Pakistan Click for feature

39. [Front page on NASA.GOV] NASA Data used to Track Groundwater in Pakistan Click for feature

38. Pakistan Water Resources Management Looking up Click for feature

37. Data for All: Using Satellite Data for Social Good – EOS Magazine Click for feature

36. Satellite Data Saving Lives – USAID Front Line Magazine Click for feature

35. UW Workshop aims to marry NASA data with earthly needs. Click for feature

34. WWW.NASA.GOV Feature on March 9 2015. Click for feature

33. Satellites hold secrets to remote rivers. Click for feature

32. New Op-Ed in IEEE Earthzine -“Science, science everywhere, nor any drop to drink: Three solutions to fix an outdated system” Click for the online feature. Click for pdf of the feature.

31. SERVIR designed flood forecasting system proving itself. Click for feature

30. A Two-way Street – International Water Power and Dam Construction Magazine, November 2012 Issue. Click for feature

29. Dam-Reliant City Infrastructure – Civil Engineering Magazine, December 2012 Issue. Click for feature

28. Building Our future – Global Change Vol. 78 (March 2012). Click for feature

27. How Dams kick up a storm – Huffington Post. Click for feature

26. TTU Professor presents research to Congress. Click here for details

25. Congressional Visit by Dr. Hossain on 5/26/11 to discuss changes required for dam operations by USBR, Corps and TVA in the coming decades for more resilience against climate and other threats- Natural Resources Committee – Water and Power Subcommittee.

24. SASWE-led research on impact of dams on local climate cited prominently in a congressional hearing of the Water and Power Subcommittee. Click here for news link

23. Earth Magazine, May 2011 Issue; Nature Magazine – March 2011 Issue: SASWE-led research on impact of dams featured on on local climate cited prominently.

22. Large dams can affect local climates, says new study., Feb 9, 2011, on CIRES-Colorado University Click here for details

21. Using Satellites to Track Water June 29, 2010 on Educator Profile on NASA.GOV, Click for link

20. Will this Dam Self-destruct? June, 2010 on Conservation Magazine, vol. 11(2) Click for link

19. TTU Professor selected for Groundbreaking Project May 20, 2010 on Herald-Citizen Click for link

18. NASA Blog Feature March 10, 2010 on “What on Earth” Click for link

17. Live BBC interview on the “Naked Scientist Show”. Click for podcast

16. National Geographic Feb 4, 2010, Dams Trigger Stronger Storms, Study Suggests

15. Newsweek Dec 29, 2009, The Lake Effect.

14. Radio Interview on DeutsclandFunk, Germany Dec 16, 2009, Interview by Dagmar Rohrlick

13. New Scientist Dec 16, 2009, Dams linked to More Extreme Weather.

12. WPTF Raleigh-North Carolina Live Radio, Dec 6, 2009. Morning Show with Scott Fitzgerald

11. Dec 3, 2009, Dams Could Alter Local Weather, Cause More Rain

10. Fox news Dec 3, 2009, Have Large Dams Altered Extreme Precipitation?

9. EOS (AGU) Dec 1, 2009, Have Large Dams Altered Extreme Precipitation?.(Media interviews with syndicated reporters from MSNBC, National Geographic, New Scientist, Fox News and

8. PBS-WCTE (Tennessee), Jan 17, 2007, TV Inteview for TTU Perspectives.

7. EOS (AGU), Front Page Feature, Jan 31, 2006. Improving Flood Forecasting in International River Basins.

6. EOS (AGU), News Feature, Jan 17, 2006. Studies Examine Bangladesh Arsenic Contamination Problem.

5. Herald-Citizen (Cookeville, Tennessee), Sunday Reader, Jan 8, 2006. TTU Professor seeks answers to Water-quality crisis.

4. Newswise, Dec 2, 2005. Researcher Urgently Working to Save Millions from Arsenic Poisoning.

3. Newswise , Sept 7, 2005, Space-borne Monitoring could Save Lives, Mitigate Dangers.

2. The Virginia Engineer , October, 2005, Monitoring Rainfall from Space.

1. The Strait Times , Singapore, March 12, 2003, Reaching for the Stars.