Decision Support Tools – old
Decision Support Tools developed by SASWE Research Group that are used widely:
- Reservoir Assessment Tool (RAT) – for Developing Nations
- Smart Weather and Irrigation Service in Bangladesh (PANI-Bangladesh)
- Houston City Urban Flood Inundation Forecasting and Management System for Harris County Flood District (Experimental Version)
- Dynamic River Width (SAR)-based JASON-3 River Height Monitoring for South Asia
- Flashflood and Early Warning System for Northwestern Bangladesh for Bangladesh
- Intelligent Dam Decisions and Assessment (iDDEA) for USA and Asia
- Smart Irrigation Advisory for Pakistan
- Provision for Advisory on Necessary Irrigation (PANI) for India
- NAWAPI – Water Forecasting and Reservoir System for Vietnam (Cambodia and Laos)
- NUMOS – Water Forecasting and Reservoir System for Vietnam (Cambodia and Laos)
- Bangladesh Advanced Water Forecasting System by Water Development Board for Bangladesh
- Extreme Weather and Hail Forecasting System for Cash Crops
- Nile Basin River Assessment System (NiBRAS) for Nile Countries
- South Asian Surface Water Modeling System for Asia
- Altimeter Toolbox GUI for Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra Basins . Unzip and follow instructions in file ‘Install’
- Open-book Watershed Model – Kanpur 1.0 and Manual
- Two Dimensional Satellite Rainfall Error Model – SREM2D 2.0 SREM2D Practical Guide
- Stochastic Theory Education Through Visualization Environment – General Information STEVE 2.0 GUI
DISCLAIMER: The models developed by the SASWE Research Group are for non-profit research and education purposes only and as such are always under development. SASWE Research Group takes no responsibility for the user-specific application of these models. Users are requested to use the models at their own risks.