
Engineering Hydrology (Fall 2010)

Instructor: Dr. Faisal Hossain
E-Mail: fhossain@tntech.edu
Time & Place:TUES/THUR 9.30-10.50 PM; PH 325
Office Phone: 372-3257; Office Location: PH332
Cell Phone: 931-239-4665
Office Hours: Tuesday/Thursday 11am-12pm for face to face meetings.

Course Schedule Course Downloads


Fundamental principles of engineering hydrology with application to runoff modeling in catchments.

Main Text

1. Gupta, R. S., Hydrology & Hydraulic Systems, Latest Edition, Waveland Press, Inc., Prospect Heights, Illinois.

2. Hornberger, G.S. et al. Elements of Physical Hydrology, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998.(Hand-outs will be provided to all in class; this book is needed for reading assignments and further exploration)

Course Objectives

Essential Objective: To provide an up to date background on engineering hydrology with special emphasis on runoff modeling for water resources management.

Secondary Objective: To gain factual knowledge on terminology and use of methods of engineering hydrology; Learn how to apply course material to specific engineering hydrology problems.


CEE 3420 Hydraulics (Required) or consent of the instructor

Topics Covered

Estimating Water Budgets, Calculating Transfer Processes in the Hydrologic Cycle, Unit Hydrograph Techniques
for Midsized Catchments, Reservoir and Channel Routing Techniques for Large Catchments.

Course Format

This semester an attempt will be made to adopt a teaching style that balances among lectures, reading assignments, homework and quizzes. Discussions will be driven mainly through extensive homeworks, quizzes and exams. The reading assignments will be essentially based on the Text book. Additional reading material may be provided. Reading
assignments will be designed so that students can be better prepared to interact during class discussions. There will be about 10 sets of extensive homeworks, almost all of which will be based on problems provided in the Textbook. Homework WILL be graded, hence, doing it legibly and on time strongly encouraged. NO LATE HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Solutions for all assigned homework problems will be posted on the bulletin board outside PH330 or e-mailed.


There will be 2 exams (1 mid-term, one final), punctuated with about 4-5 quizzes. All exams will be open book and open notes.


You are encouraged to work in groups on homework and project assignments. For mini projects, you may be divided into groups of 2 or 3. Those members not contributing will either be reassigned, work on their own, or have their grades reduced based on their group member grades.

Grade Percentages

Homework – 40%
Exams – 40%
Class Participation-10%


The student will be required to submit various types of written assignments during the semester. The instructor requires that all written portions of the assignments be done in a professional manner (neatness, grammar, sentence structure, and spelling). Substandard work will be returned without a grade. Once the student has returned the corrected assignment, the instructor will determine the effect on the assignment grade. All laboratory and course project reports will be prepared using a word processing program.


Every CEE project report should be accompanied by an Executive Summary. The Executive Summary should include following information: a) Title of the report; b) Name(s) of the author(s); c) Objectives of the project; d) Outlines of project activities; e) Summary of project outcomes (findings); and f) Comments and discussions if any. The length of an Executive Summary should be less than a page. The Executive Summary should be placed after the cover page of a project report.


Students with a disability requiring accommodations/adjustments should contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS). An Academic Adjustment form should be completed as soon as possible, preferably by the end of the first week of the course. The ODS is located in the Roaden University Center, Room 112; phone 372-6119.