Instructor: Dr. Faisal Hossain
E-Mail: fhossain@tntech.edu
Time & Place: MWF 10.10-11.05 AM; PH 330
Office Phone: 372-3257; Office Location: PH332
Office Hours: Wed 1-5 pm (or by appointment)
Application of engineering principles to problems related to planning, design and management of river-reservoir systems.
Main Text
David A Chin, Water-Resources Engineering, Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, 2006.
Course Objectives
This course is designed to provide you with an up to date background for planning, design and management of water resources systems ranging from urban scale (small households) to large scale (reservoirs) systems. It treats important aspects involved in planning these systems (probability concepts, engineering economy, iterative design and simulation modeling).
CEE 3420 Hydraulics (Required)
CEE 4420 Engineering Hydrology (Recommended)
Topics Covered
Design of urban water systems based on pumps, pipes and storage tanks using hydraulic principles; Design of large-scale reservoirs using hydrologic principles; Reservoir sizing, estimation of design life of reservoir, flood control, storage; Benefit-Cost analysis and Optimization; flood frequency analysis; hydropower generation; Emerging issues on water resources systems for 21st century – sustainability concepts, human modification of climate, hydro-politics and use of modern satellite technology.
Course will be divided into four modules: 1) Urban Water Systems 2) Large-scale Water Systems 3) Operations of Water Systems 4) Emerging Issues on Water Systems for 21st Century.
Course Format
Homeworks and Design Projects
Lectures will be kept to the minimum necessary, but will be provided on an as-needed basis. Typically, the Monday and Wednesday of each week will be reserved for lectures and giving students an overview of each topic, the learning objectives and expectations in terms of homework and projects. The Fridays of each week shall be typically reserved for in-class assistance with project design where more informal discussions and class participation will take place.
Reading Assignments
The reading assignments will be essentially based on the Text book. Additional reading material may be provided. Reading assignments will be designed so that students can be better prepared to interact during class discussions.
- There will be about 6-8 sets of extensive homeworks, almost all of which will be based on problems provided
in the Textbook. - Homework WILL be graded, hence, doing it legibly and on time strongly encouraged. NO LATE HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.
- Solutions for all assigned homework problems will be posted on the bulletin board outside PH330 or e-mailed.
Design Projects
There will be about 4 mini projects one on each module. Some may require a class presentation (25 mins). Design Project reports unless otherwise instructed will consist of the following parts: Title Page (with names and date); Objectives; Design Procedure and Rationale, Final Design, Discussion of Design. Figures and tables must be referenced in the report. Depending on the level of difficulty of the mini projects work may be allowed to be done in groups of 2-3 students.
You are encouraged to work in groups on homework and project assignments. For design projects, you may be divided into groups of 2 or 3. Those members not contributing will either be reassigned, work on their own, or have their grades reduced based on their group member grades.
Grade Percentages
Homework – 50%
Design Projects-50%
The student will be required to submit various types of written assignments during the semester. The instructor requires that all written portions of the assignments be done in a professional manner (neatness, grammar, sentence structure, and spelling). Substandard work will be returned without a grade. Once the student has returned the corrected assignment, the instructor will determine the effect on the assignment grade. All laboratory and course project reports will be prepared using a word processing program.
Every CEE project report should be accompanied by an Executive Summary. The Executive Summary should include following information: a) Title of the report; b) Name(s) of the author(s); c) Objectives of the project; d) Outlines of project activities; e) Summary of project outcomes (findings); and f) Comments and discussions if any. The length of an Executive Summary should be less than a page. The Executive Summary should be placed after the cover page of a project report.
Students with disabilities (as defined by the American Disabilities Act) should contact me early in the semester about accommodations.